Friday, August 27, 2010

Damn the Man

Working has been on my mind a lot lately. Many of my friends who had kids around the same time I had my daughter are already back to work. In some ways I envy them they have adult conversation and some day’s when my daughter is screaming I think to myself maybe it would be better to send her to a baby sitter and let her deal with the screaming. Going back to work is never far from my mind, I am never quite sure if I should go back to work or should I stay home with my daughter. Before I got pregnant, I worked a lot. I worked as an accountant at night and an autism therapist by day. It was a lot of work but worth it, I felt very fulfilled and proud of the things I accomplished. Now I get up earlier than I did when I worked and somehow never seem to get everything done. I wonder if I could even handle working full time anymore.

In January, I opened my own business thinking it would be the best of both worlds. I would work from home. It actually doesn’t seem to have been the answer I was looking for. First it is A LOT of work finding clients, then actually doing the work they hired me to do (not enough hours in the day.)  After taking care of my daughter, I have almost no free time. I shower and clean my house and that’s about it. I’m a member of a mommy group and they told me about a service called Cha Cha where you can answer questions for money. I thought this would be a great way to earn a little cash. I love shopping for my daughter, but my husband thinks I spend way too much money. To solve this problem I need to earn more money to spend more, it’s supply and demand (Baby’s R Us supplies stuff and they demand cash. Where is that pay with good looks button?)  After doing some research I found out how little they actually pay their guides, I decided that this was not the opportunity for me. So where does that leave me you ask, well right now I’m a stay at home mom who does a little work now and then.
Hopefully one day soon I will find a balance that allows me to work a little bit and still stay home with my daughter.

Mama product of the day:
When I got pregnant I was very worried about stretch marks and saggy boobs. My lactation consultant told me about Boob tube I tried in had haven't looked back since. I started using it after the first week i noticed an improvement, my boobs look better than ever. They point north not south and very soft and smooth.


  1. I have been trying to sell Avon but doesnt seem to be my thing really... maybe once i am home more not sure. They called today asking why i didnt submit an order this past week... well cause i just had two babies. Been kind of busy. I didnt tell them to cancel my account though which makes me wonder if part of me still wants to try

  2. I tried to sell Avon once, it was a disaster. I'm just not cut out for sales. I hope it goes better for you I have heard that once you get an Avon client base you don't really have to do much but submit the orders(that could just be the hooey they fed me to get me to join).Good luck I don't use Avon or I would buy it from you.

  3. Does the boob tube actually work?? It's a little pricey!

  4. Yes it does, I was worried it wouldn't since I am a DD. But it really does work for everyone I know that uses it. After my daughter, I was starting to notice some sagging and within a month of using it things were pointing northward again. My mother in-law uses it for wrinkles and she just loves it. If you are going to buy it, please click on the link and buy it through Amazon.
    If you try it please let me know how you liked it. Thanks!
