Monday, November 29, 2010


This weekend we did what all first time parents look forward to doing we took our daughter to see Santa at the mall. I was a little worried because my whole family has been pretty sick (Thanksgiving takes a lot out of us).  We decided to take a chance and head over to the mall if we didn’t do it this weekend my husband may not have been able to go with us since this time of year work is super busy for him. So we bundled her up in a super cute dress her great aunt gave her and we were off. Sadly when we first got to the mall Santa was on a break. So we walked around for about an hour and went back by this time my daughter was feeling a little tired so I wasn’t sure how well she was going to do. Well we got to Santa and she just lit up she loved him. She was all smiles and beard tugs awesome experience.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Week!!!!!

One of the big life changes we are dealing with now is learning how to change the way we do things, especially for the holidays. We used to be able to pick up and go whenever we wanted now we have to make sure the baby gets her nap and we have all her crap ready. One of the things that is really changing is how we celebrate holiday’s  since we got together, wow, 8 years ago (has it really been that long? Where does the time go?) we used to go back and forth between the families first to my husband’s family since they do things earlier in the day and then to my families. This always made for a very long day and a lot of driving.  We have decided to start doing everything at our house. We made this choice for a few reasons the first being that both of our families are super small so it seems silly to drive from on to the other when they could be held together and save a lot of time and a lot of calories. We also decided that staying home would be easier when we first got pregnant we realized that transporting a baby was going to be a lot of work just based to the amount of stuff they need. Once we had the baby we knew that going anywhere with our daughter was going to be a HUGE amount of work. She does not like the car which makes it difficult to go anywhere. She does not take formula well so I have to make sure we have enough milk to make it though the outing which can cause a whole host of other problems.  We will see how this holiday season turns out hopefully better than it has started.  This week is all about being thankful, so this week I’m going to work really hard to be thankful for the good and the bad since without the bad I wouldn’t have anything to complain about when things are good.  This week I’m going to write posts about things I’m thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving Week!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm Back!!!!!

I’m very glad to be back I hope you all missed me as much as I missed writing this blog. I took some time off of writing this blog because I was angry and didn’t really have anything nice to say.  Don’t worry I wasn’t angry and my daughter. I was angry and all the people in my life who feel like I am a door mat to just walk right over, and then get angry with me when I have the nerve to say something about it. I have purchased a very lovely step stool to help myself get the heck over it.
Since my last post my daughter has perfected sitting which is crazy for me to watch. We used to sit her on the sofa a prop pillows next to her and pray she didn’t fall over now she doesn’t even need the pillows I still put them around her just to make sure she doesn’t roll off the sofa that happened once and it was horrible thank God our sofa isn’t very high off the ground or she might have gotten hurtL. Now I can sit her on the floor and she will just play with her toys cute as can be.  She has also perfected rolling over both ways which is awesome because her main goal is to get to the dog. She has learned that if she doesn’t make a lot of noise she can roll to him and grab his fluff which let me tell you it is super funny. As soon as she gets her little hand around his fluff he jumps up super fast and starts licking her and that makes her just crack up. I help her sneak up on Batman now and then because I just find it so funny. I wish I could get a video of it to post you would just crack up.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This is Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, this year I got to experience it as a mother and let me tell you it was fantastic. My daughter looked so cute in her little flower costume. We walked around the neighborhood and visited the neighbors who all oooed and awed over how cute she looked. My mother in law came over and brought pie (how can you go wrong with pie, I just don’t think that you can.).  We hung out and gave out candy it was perfect. I can’t wait to experience Christmas. All those boxes and wrapping paper for my daughter to get into that is going to be one heck of a day.