Thursday, October 7, 2010

Whore for a day

I LOVE Halloween its one of my favorite holiday’s, I just love dressing up, the decorations and candy. This year I get to dress my daughter up, I’m super excited. We first start with a family theme then it’s all about the costume. We picked our family theme and  so we started looking for our costumes a few weeks ago.  As I looked through all the costumes I noticed that once you get out of baby costumes all the little girl costumes are pretty slutty. I know that we are fairly conservative but WOW I’m appalled by a lot of the costumes they have out for little girls.  I don’t think any baby as small as mine needs to be showing wearing something this sexy/suggestive EVER.  My daughter would have to have a shirt under and tights on to make a lot of the costumes I looked at in any way acceptable. I don’t think my daughter should be wearing anything suggestive until she is 22 and even then I wouldn’t like it, don’t get me wrong I don’t think that all people who wear suggestive clothing are whores, I do it myself. My problem is that we as a culture are dressing out little girls like much older women. I think it’s sad that we have to push our little girls into dressing this way, no wonder there are so many teen pregnancies. We are not teaching our kids to take the world on slowly, which is much better for our daughters and even our sons.

1 comment:

  1. I have often thought that, if fact years ago while watching kids play in a fountain on my lunch break I had a similar discussion with a co-worker. Most of the little girls were wearing bikinis, not tank-inis, but sexy bikinis with hi-cut bottoms, and triangles over the breast area (which they were to young to have) and our final thought was that parents who dress their kids this way are sending mixed messages, pedophiles are not supposed to see their children as sexual, but it's okay for them to dress them in a sexual manner. Yes your child is adorable and you may see them as a way to do things you for whatever reason didn't do yourself (I wont even get into how much that can mess them up) but your child is a child and what is appropriate for you as an adult is not necessarily appropriate fir your child who is ... wait for it ... a child.
