Thursday, September 16, 2010

Culture Crisis

On my mommy site today I read a story about an ER doctor who wrote a letter to Obama.  I guess the letter is floating around Facebook, but I hadn’t seen it.  Here is the letter for those of you who haven’t seen it

I have to say, it really touched a nerve with me.  I agree with the Dr. on many things, but the one I want to write about is how our culture seems to have changed so drastically in the last few generations.  So many parents think it’s some else’s job to take care of their kids and teach them things like manners.  This is not what the public school system is for.  I am often stunned at the lack of respect toward others.  No one seems bothered by someone who is always late.  I had a friend that I constantly had to lie to about the start of things because she was always at least an hour late to everything.  Now that I look back on it she was just rude with no concern about anybody else.  This type of behavior is running rampant in our society when did we become so inconsiderate.  

The whole reason I brought up the rude society was to make this point when we become so callus to other people and their lives is when it becomes okay to live on welfare or lie to get food stamps.  There are people who actually need these programs and it’s horrible to watch those people go without while people like this women the doctor is treating always seem to find a way to take advantage of the system.  More and more I think we should just suspend all social welfare programs for everyone for a year.  So we learn what taking care of ourselves and our neighbors is like again.  So we become a community instead of individuals who are out to screw the man, not caring that the man is your neighbor, your family and all those people you pass on the freeway going to work (if you work and not many people do these days.)  It was not that many years ago that a family in need could come home to see their neighbors had left grocery’s on the porch.  That would never happen now people are too selfish and that to me is a real culture crisis.

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