Monday, September 27, 2010

It takes 2

Why do women think giving birth is the be all to end all?  I carried a child and birthed her.  Granted she did not slide out of my hoo-hoo, it was still a tough thing have her ripped out of me.   Still one of the things I hate to hear is a woman say it’s my child I delivered her.  You never hear a man say that’s my child I provide the sperm to make her, you know why because it’s ridiculous.  Getting pregnant does not entitle you to be a bitch for 9 months.  Sure your husband should take care of the things that get harder for you and be understanding, but a baby should not give you the right to make your husband your slave.  Along the same lines, birthing a child does not give you the soul right to dictate who can see that child and when they can see them (unless your divorced and have a court order).  I don’t’ know why this stuff bothers me so much but every time I hear women using pregnancy or birth as an excuse to treat their husbands like a second rate citizen it makes me so angry.  If you don’t like your husband don’t have a kid with him, heck don’t stay married.  Your relationship will be much improved if you just admit the child and the marriage belongs to both of you.

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