Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Google my new Nemesis

The Google motto for those of you who don’t know is “Don't Be Evil" just thought that was ironic. Also interesting to note, is that the 6th point of the 10 point corporate philosophy of Google which says, "You can make money without doing evil.” But it’s much easier to make money by being evil just ask Bernie Madoff.

I should state first and foremost I hate being taken advantage of it makes me madder than almost anything else. When I started this blog I did it for 2 reasons the first because I like to talk and staying home with my daughter I don’t get to talk to many people, so I decided to write down what I was thinking about and share it with all of cyberspace (this way I can pretend everyone who reads my blog is a close and personal friend, I know its delusional but I don’t get out much.) The second reason came a bit later and it was to make some cash, granted not a lot of cash but some, so I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time writing this blog. I’m going to be honest my blog took off like a shot I didn’t expect things to start going so well for a few months but they did and I was ecstatic. Picture it, it’s Monday afternoon and I’m having a great day going to go out shopping and spend all that money I’ve made off my blog ( yeah I know it’s not in my account yet but it’s coming I just got my code in the mail and things are going great). As I’m walking out the door my phone dings indicating I have a new email. I’m curious although I’m thinking it’s just spam, but I get excited when my phone makes noise so I check. This is where things go downhill and quick. It’s an email from Google stating that I’ve been banned. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was so careful to follow all of the rules and there are a lot of rules. Even when I was curious about the ads on my page I never clicked them. I was floored that I got banned (not only did they ban me, they stole all the money I had made) I re-read all the rules and have no idea why I was banned. I hate that they don’t have to tell you why you got banned. They can just say we think you did something wrong so we shut you down. The conspiracy theorist in me says it’s a racket and they never planned to pay for my advertising. I’m really hoping this is not the case. I emailed them and have yet to hear back, but my guess is this is standard procedure for them and they have no intentions of paying for the advertising I gave them. I will keep you posted on what happens, but at this point my new view of Google is much lower than it was before. Which sucks since I used to be super pro Google down to my android phone? Hopefully Google with restore my faith in them but I’m not holding my breath. Let’s hope my next post isn’t saying I had to switch over to Apple. I hate Apple. Apparently Google’s motto no longer stands or if so it’s some bastardized version of it.

1 comment:

  1. We will Follow you! It is hard enough to put yourself out there, and when you do and others see you, read you, and strart enjoying your comments to have your small rug pulled out from under you by the fat cats, well that is wrong and you should move. A lot of people work with and for people they don't like. In this case it is about getting your message out, and making a little milk money at the same time. Do what you like even if you have to mingil with those you don't care that much for.
