Thursday, September 2, 2010

I miss sleep!!!

When I had my daughter I was in the hospital for 3 nights, I thought I didn’t sleep well because every 2 hours the nurses would come in to check on us. Then we came home and I found that my daughter wouldn’t sleep in her cradle or in any of her beds. The first few days, she would only sleep if we were holding her. As she got older she would sleep, if we were next to her. This was exhausting. I’m not a great sleeper to start with and babies are loud sleepers. When she first came home her breathing was erratic, which is apparently normal but still very scary. As time went on we came up with a system where one of us would stay with her, to keep her quiet and sleeping while the other would try to get some much needed sleep. This was tough on our relationship we were missing the connection we shared before we had our daughter. We finally decided there had to be a better way. Not long after, we bought a baby swing and it has been a God send. We put her in it and for the first time she slept without laying on us. It was heaven. She started sleeping much better and we started feeling married again. Since then we have moved her into her own room and even into her crib. My daughter sleeps 8 to 12 hours a night and I’m still struggling to sleep. I’m a very light sleeper and she still makes a lot noise and even though she is in her room I can still hear her. My husband works really hard to make sure I get enough sleep but I’m still struggling with it. I can’t wait until I can get a full night of sleep. I really miss sleeping.

1 comment:

  1. Sleep is a treasure for parents. You would think with my two in the NICU i would be getting more. Hard to when my almost 4 year old wants to play at 10:30 at night! I hear ya
