Friday, September 10, 2010


I took my daughter to the doctor yesterday for her 4 month well baby check up. I knew that she was going to get shots. :-( I know she didn’t realize it as we drove to the office but I did and I just wanted to turn around and go home, but I knew they would just call if we didn’t show up and make me feel like a bad mom so off we went. The pediatrician’s office is the best doctor’s office I have ever been to. They are all nice, never crowded and it’s always a very short wait to see the doctor. I’m wondering why more doctors offices are not like that. Anyhow we are in the waiting room and I’m holding her hoping there is a hospital emergency and the doctor has to go, but no never an emergency when I want one. We go into the room. I take all of her clothes off, they put her on the scale and all the other stuff they do. Then in walks the doctor and she just has that look like she knows she’s going to say something I don’t like( she knows I don’t approve of vaccines this early). So she tells me she wants everyone in my whole family and all our friends to make sure they get a flu shot. Is she kidding? I’m so against the flu shot. It’s not even funny. I have never had the flu and no one in my family has ever had the flu. My husband’s family is allergic to the vaccine. She looks at me as though I’ve sprouted another head and says well then your daughter will have to get the flu shot as soon as she turns 6 months. I say well I don’t plan on giving it to her because she doesn’t need it and on comes the lecture, about how she is going to get so sick and I’m going to be sorry (how much do doctors get paid to say this stuff.) All of this to say I can’t believe how much stuff we pump into our children’s tiny bodies at such a young age. I refused all of her vaccines until she was older so I know she is running behind but in my opinion her body was just too small to deal with all that stuff being pumped into her. I think we have gone way overboard with the vaccines. We don’t need a chickenpox one and a flu one. Pretty soon our immune systems are going to be so weak a cut could kill us. It’s ridiculous. Why can’t we wait until they are older and stronger? I also find it ironic that we do them so young, when I got older they tested my immunity to many of the vaccines I had had as child and found that most of them I was no longer immune to most so I had to get all my baby shots over again at 25. Babies are put through a lot. Thank God they don’t remember the crap we do to them.

Mama Product of the day

I just love True Blood so reading these books is a great way for me to unwind after a long day taking care of my daughter. They are a fun easy read and the author does a great job of immersing you into the world she creates.


  1. I totally agree, it's crazy the toxins that are put in a a tiny baby's blood stream, but products are recalled because traces of lead might rub of on their skin, how is that logical?

  2. I couldn't agree more. I am one of those "crazy, bad mommies" who has yet to vaccinate my son. He is now 14 months, has had 2 head colds (which his immunity fought all on its own), never had diaper rash, and has never had an ear infection. I am not saving the no vaccines has anything to do with it but I have to think that there is something. His immunity had time to develop. It peeves me to no end when they want to pump 5 vaccines in one visit into a 2 month old. First of all, I WOULDNT want to get 5 shots...but their little immune systems have to take the time to build up against all those shots. It is no wonder babies get sick, crabby and fussy the day after...they probably feel like crap!!

    My son is around other children (his cousins, Gymboree friends, out in public) and still has managed to stay healthy. I will consider some vaccines but not until after 2 because at that point a lot of vaccines arent necessary because the disease itself is very rare in anyone over 2.

    It is such a controversial topic and I do not put down people who chose to vaccinate. My son was breastfed, did not go to day care and spend 98% of his time with me. This factors did play into my decision on vaccinating. But I feel everyone should at least do the research on their own and make their decision. Doctors will pressure you because that is what they are taught. And dont even get me started on the drug companies.....

    /stepping off my soapbox now

  3. And I just have to add that I sure do love your no non-sense blog!!

  4. Marissa I so glad you stood firm. I am much more afraid of vaccinating a boy. Boys seem to feel the effects of the vaccines much worse than girls. Sophia is a set of shots behind and some I have refused all together my family has very strong immune systems and she is breastfed and like your son she doesn't go to day care so I’m not worried she will get sick so far she hasn't even had a cold. I agree that everyone should do the research and make the choice about what is best for their family.

    I’m glad you enjoy my blog, I really love writing it. I think about all this stuff and I thought others would enjoy hearing my viewpoint on it. I just love your comments :-)
