Monday, September 20, 2010

Midnight Snack

I hadn’t planned on starting my daughter on solid foods until 6 months.  Recently, I have been feeding her every hour which is getting tedious to say the least.  She doesn’t sleep through the night anymore.  She fusses and cries which doesn’t help me get my sleep (which you know from my previous posts sleep is very important to me.)  In order to retain my sanity, I have decided to try solid foods.  Sophia is a fairly calm baby, needy but calm.  So she tends to put up with my antics pretty easily.  For example, today I thought it would be super funny to lash the dog to her car and see If he could pull her car around the house(it turned out not to actually be funny the dog just sat down and stared at me like I’m nuts.)  Sophia thought it was funny and well it could have been funny.  My dog actually weights less than my daughter which would have made it very funny to have him pull her around.  We have tried banana’s, a week or so ago just for giggles and it was pretty funny.  Absolutely no banana ended up in her mouth.  It did end up on me, the dog and everywhere else.  This incident made us think that we were starting way too early.  We tried again today and it seemed like things went much better.  We tried rice cereal and she seemed to take to it.  I’m hoping it will help keep her from starving so she can sleep again.  Here’s hoping

1 comment:

  1. This is usually a time for a major growth spurt so that can cause disrupted sleep schedules and feeding like crazy!! :-) Just wanted to share...
