Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mommy Police

Mommy Police: Why are you letting your baby sleep in her swing; it’s not good for her.

Me: What do you care, she’s my baby and I need to sleep too.

Mommy Police: Well I would never let my baby do that you’re never going to get her to sleep in her bed.

As this conversation is happening mommy police’s child bites another child and steals her toy. This seems to happen to me all the time. Someone who has a horrible child wants to tell me what I’m doing wrong with mine. I have one thing to say to all of these moms that think I’m doing such a bad job, I may be doing a bad job but you have a horrible child and mine is sweet.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that attending to my daughter immediately will make her spoiled. I just don’t care if she’s spoiled I can’t stand to hear a baby cry. If I ruin her that’s really my business. I have to deal with it. I always want to tell these women not to worry, I have bail money set aside for when my daughter does the unthinkable. Mind your own business and I won’t mock you when your child turns our horribly. Okay, I really will mock you but maybe not to your face.


  1. I never understood the whole "you're spoiling your baby" perspective. A baby's ONLY way of communication is crying...if ANYTHING is wrong, they cry because they cant talk. So how is it spoiling if you are tending to her when she cries?? Uh, duh Mommy Police idiots, it is a natural instinct to tend to the needs of your child!

  2. You are so right Marissa. there are studies that have shown babies that are left to cry have lower IQ's and lower self esteem than babies that are tended too.

  3. People really have so much to say about other people's babies. Going to run into that myself soon im sure, though i dont know how the daddy at home thing will go. Im sure someone somewhere will be like, you arent doing it right. On a side note i dont know why this thought came to me while reading your post. Just imagine God bragging on us to the angels, meanwhile we... fill in the blank. Anyway :) keep them coming

  4. So many if not everyone that I knew as I was raising my daughter said that I was spoiling her, and that it would come back to hont me when she grew into adulthood. Well let me tell you how she is up to this point: She is till spoilied, but has never been in any trouble (gone to jail,drougs,ect.), she did not have a baby out of wed lock, married a great man (that loves her), has a college education, has a great I.Q. to go along with her, and now has a spoiled child of her own. A spoiled child can be a good thing as long as you teach about respecting others and their property/s, and the respect for ones self. Ilove my spoiled chil, and her family, they are good for this country, and the world.
