Friday, September 3, 2010

Daddy's View

So after talking to my husband it seems that men take this whole baby thing very differently than women. Men tell each other all the horrible things that will happen in apparently very vivid detail. As I said in my earlier posts I think the women in my life left an awful lot out when telling me what having a baby is really like. So I compiled the top ten tidbits from the males in my husband’s life.

1. You will not sleep for at least year. I’m guessing that this is going to be longer for me. Not only am I a light sleeper but I’m also full of anxiety. I’m thinking it might be 18-20 years before I get another good night sleep.

2. You will never again leave the house and if you do you will need a U-haul to take all your kids stuff with you.

3. Kids are very expensive it cost us 5000 dollars to have our daughter and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

4. When babies are born they have four states Eat, Sleep, Poo, and Drool. Yep this is true our daughter does them all. Although the older she gets the more she ads to her arsenal which makes her a lot more fun to have.

5. Babies spend Lots of time screaming. This one we have not actually experience our daughter is chatty but almost never makes loud noises. Thank God we hate loud noises. We hate loud noises so much, before we bought our house, we tried to buy one in a retirement community because they would be quiet and never bother us.

6. Everything is about baby. This is true babies steal the spotlight but that’s okay I get a lot of credit for making an adorable baby.

7. You will never have hobbies again. All the parents I know have their own hobbies and now and then ignore their children to pursue them. Even now we throw the baby in her swing and play video games (it’s not like she will remember.)

8. They will grow up and move out, only to move home again. This is actually true. The only person I know who has never moved back in with their parents after moving out again is my husband. Although we always tell his parents we are moving in with them one day very soon. They have a much larger house than we do and it is always stocked with food and drink, also they have a private pool which we like. So look out in-laws this weekend might be the weekend we show up with all of our stuff.

9. They steal your stuff. One of my husband’s friends has 3 kids and every one of them steals his stuff. I’m not always sure they even want his stuff, they just like pushing his buttons.

10. You have a lot less sex. This I also heard a lot and I think this is a personal choice. So many women I talked to decided once they got pregnant they would stop having sex with their husbands and still have not gone back. This seems to differ greatly from couple to couple.

Can you imagine if women said these things to other women. I certainly cannot. But this is the reality of my life now although the number ten is moving back up since we are sleeping better. My husband works with many men who now have teenagers so we hear many horror stories and are dreading the teenage years.

Daddy product of the day:

One of the things we do most now that we have a baby is take photos of EVERYTHING so this comes in handy. This card is high speed which allows you get more pictures fast!

PNY Professional 16 GB Class 10 Hi-Speed SDHC 20MB/s 133x Flash Memory Card P-SDH16G10-XLR133-EF (Black)


  1. Love this post!! I also love the honesty and bluntness that dads bring :-) I think other mom's tend to sugar coat things and want you to think everything is rainbows and unicorns instead of green poop and spit up!

    *Loving your blog...your a great writer!!*

  2. Its all true! Take it from a daddy who knows.

  3. So about #8 you know me and I never moved back home.
