Friday, September 17, 2010

How to sleep like a man

Someone recently asked me how I was sleeping.  Of course I sleep horrible and have since I got pregnant (not that I slept super before.)  This got me thinking, why the saying is sleep like a baby when in fact my daughter sleeps horribly.  She wakes up all the time. She gets hungry in the middle of the night.  We are lucky on a good day she will sleep 12 hours but on a bad day she may only sleep for 1 hour at a time.  I want to sleep like a man.  I have honestly never met a man who doesn’t sleep well.  You never see men on those sleep aid commercials because advertisers know men do not have trouble sleeping.  I do know at least 12 women who have trouble sleeping.  In fact, I don’t know any women who would tell me they sleep well.  My husband can sleep through A LOT of noise.  Sometimes I make noise just to see how much he can sleep through.  I used toss and turn in bed when I was angry hoping to keep him from sleep, my own version of sleep torture, however for this to work I would have to be sleeping with a women or shooting my bed with and air cannon (neither of which is an option.)  I gave up on sleep torture for just now.  I don’t know how it is possible to sleep so well in any circumstance but if I figure it out I will sell the secret and make millions.  I have a few great test subjects so I’m certain that if anyone can solve this mystery it will be me.


  1. I pray you find the answer...I would be willing to pay. When my little man was little, he woke up crying, I put the monitor right up my hubbys ear and he didnt even budge!! I, on the other hand, wake up if I hear my son move, cough or make the slightest noise.

  2. Hey I am a woman and I sleep like the dead most of the time, Todd is the one who is always waking up and can never go to sleep. I swear he only gets like 3-5 hours a night, I on the other hand get 8 fairly regularly (although our new place is near a train ... if I'm trying to go to sleep it bugs the heck out of me, but if I'm sleeping I don't even know it is there).

  3. Shaun sleeps like the dead as well! He sleeps through earthquakes, loud music from the neighbors, fire engines, etc....Me, however, I am like Marisaa I so much as hear a rustle from one of the kids tossing and turning and I'm up. I, too, would be willing to pay if you find the answer!! The one thing that I found helps, now that kids are older and generally sleep thruogh the night and can come get me if need be, is earplugs!! Helps drowned out the snoring of my sleeps-like-the-dead hubby!!

